Welcome to Butchers Boulevard hardboil fiction. Follow the headlights. Explore. It's a bit more than a plot on which I pen bad dreams. Tales broaden beyond the dark wet rat-run alley into which Chandler or Spillane would send their champion. Yet stories parallel, similar in meme and promise : a man not himself evil travels an evil path. Two-faced Janus clues both my text weblog and weaponized graphics page. I actively write new stories prompting style features to alter and evolve. Stable as your reading chair and oak book-table I dare not say. Yet assigning V_2.0 to this mature website appears proper: lively 1st actions motivate hard-boil plots while implying scattered historical surprise.
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An adult reader will find no porn or explicit gore on this website. Story content and themes do assume the mature understanding experience should bring. No stories are fit for children. Generally you may choose among 3 themes, 3+ narrators and 3 styles of content: 1) Dystopian noir variously narrated and hell-bent from rotted, post-modern America - - - the namesake BUTCHERS BOULEVARD. Charleston detective Lieutenant Nick DeLeon narrates many crime fiction tales; his stiff southron character flavors all. However, while Nickys' great affection for 16-th Century social order makes no apology, his oeuvre resists passive resigned decay. Most telling are his half-dozen modern pals each narrating their own experiences. Entangled? Yes all of them yet each a firm unique voice. 2) "Parallel Universe" type reportage from Americas bloody-handed republican (2nd) civil war. That's HRI - - - Hard Right Interview. Yes, pernicious consequences of Lincolns War of Northern aggression have boiled-over with Americas free yeomanry rejecting-by-gunbarrel the post-modern globalist ansatz. Event-line is "almost current" if you believe different places can be at the same time. BUTCHERSBOULEVARD.com publisher and author Will Scranton narrates these stories. 3) Bronze age historical fiction, set about 1150 BC, recounted by a sailor/trader kings bastard of the Minoan race. It's a few Centuries after Mediterranean volcanoes spewed death on millennia-old Semite and Aryan civilizations. Plots and action strongly kant toward seafaring adventure. It's a lusty age yet innocent striving for physical redemption during an imaginatively modern -- speculative -- yet historical turbulent *deadzone*. The Assyrian mythos survives while Mediterranean jewels of Carthage, Athens and Rome sparkle darkly beneath ice-age morraine. You may judge if a kings unwitting shamus and ruthless court women justify the hardboil tag. Some stories wander off; writing is like that. Without snowflake refuge, website Moirae snips entitled life threads; Pandora groans. Anyrate pick yo' poison from gossip to short story to novel. Young readers unfamiliar with hardboil fiction beware. Being 12 --> 15 yo, if your reading has ignored classics (Herodotus, Thucydides, Livy, Ovid ... ) or skipped modern authors like LeCarre, Spillane, Raspail, Ray Chandler --- Pat O'Brian, Rob Ruark, Sue Harrison or Bernie Cornwell then stay out. Vis' plague: April, 2020: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn Email willscranton@butchersboulevard.com